Parabens ba povo Timor-Leste ne’ebe mak loron ohin komemora loron konsulta Popular ba dala 25.

Iha loron ne’e, ami haksolok hodi selebra 25 tinan to’o tinan ida husi Konsultasaun Popular ida ne’ebé hatudu dalan importante ba independénsia no hametin an atu hodi-an rasik ba povu Timor-Leste. Loron ida ne’e fó hanoin kona-ba ukun rasik-an, maka’as, no unidade ne’ebé povu Timor-Leste hato’o atu hetan liberdade no demokrasia.

Kona-ba progresu ne’ebé hetan iha tinan 25 liu ba, ami hatán iha servisu maka’as no determinasaun ne’ebé forma Timor-Leste ho dinamizmu no maka’as hanesan nasion ida iha ohin loron. Identidade nasional ne’ebé forte no kompromisu ba dame no prosperidade hakoi inspirasau ba nason sira iha mundu tomak.

Parabéns ba loron importante ida ne’e. Atu ba oin, espírito ukun rasik-an, unidade, no esperansa sei kontinua orienta Timor-Leste ba futuru ida ne’ebé naroman no hodi-besi.

Ho haksolok bo’ot,

[ENG] On this momentous occasion, we celebrate 25 years since the historic Popular Consultation that marked a significant step towards independence and self-determination for the people of Timor-Leste. This day is a powerful reminder of the courage, resilience, and unity demonstrated by the Timorese people in their pursuit of freedom and democracy.

As we reflect on the progress made over the past quarter-century, we recognize the hard work and dedication that has shaped Timor-Leste into the vibrant and resilient nation it is today. The strength of your national identity and commitment to peace and prosperity continues to inspire nations around the world.

Congratulations once again on this remarkable milestone. May the spirit of independence, unity, and hope continue to guide Timor-Leste towards a bright and prosperous future.

With warm regards,